Business Coaching for Electricians - UpScale

Business Coaching For Electricians

Troy Henham - A Business Coaching Success

Starting and growing a trade business in Australia can be challenging, but business coaching can help.

Upscale Business Coaching offers support and guidance to trade business owners who want to succeed.

Our coaching can provide the tools and knowledge you need to launch, grow, and achieve your goals.

Investing in coaching is an investment in your business’s future.

How We Help You Achieve Success

Setting Goals

One of the first steps in tradies business coaching is to help you set clear, measurable goals for your trade business. Your business coach will work with you to define your vision and develop a plan for achieving your goals.

Creating a Business Plan

A solid tradie business plan is essential for any start-up. Business coaching can help you develop one tailored to your trade business in Australia. Your tradie business coach will help you identify your target market, develop marketing strategies, and create financial projections to guide your business decisions.

Improving Business Skills

As a trade business owner, you may be skilled in your trade but must gain the skills necessary to run a successful business. Tradies business coaching can give you the knowledge and skills to manage your finances, hire and manage employees, and grow your trade businesses.


Tradie business coaching can also provide you with access to a network of other trade businesses owners in Australia. This network can be a valuable resource for advice, support, and collaboration.

Overcoming Challenges

Starting a new business is always challenging and you will likely face challenges. Tradie business coaching can help you develop the resilience and problem-solving skills you need to overcome these challenges and keep your trade business moving forward.


Business coaching provides a level of accountability that can be difficult to achieve independently. Your business coach will hold you accountable for following through on your plans and goals and will help you stay focused and motivated.

Personalised Coaching

Our coaching journey begins with a comprehensive assessment of your electrical business, covering financial performance, marketing effectiveness, and operational efficiency.

This in-depth analysis allows us to create a personalised coaching plan that tailors to electricians and aligns with your specific goals and priorities.

Partner with the experts in electrical business coaching and experience sucess.

Tradesman completing wire change
Business men going through plans

Our Coaching Solutions for Electricians

Our comprehensive coaching programs for electricians are designed to optimise every aspect of your business operations:

  1. Strategies tailored to your local area and target audience, including online and offline marketing techniques.

  2. Financial management tools and strategies to help you track your expenses, manage your cash flow and maximise your profits.

  3. Business planning and goal setting, including strategies to help you manage growth, expand your services, and hire new employees.

  4. Operational processes, including project management tools and techniques, can help you deliver high-quality work on time and within budget.

  5. Training and development opportunities for you and your team, including coaching on leadership skills and customer service.

Success Stories

Troy Henham - A Business Coaching Success

Troy's Transformation: 170% Growth

Troy went from 100-hour workweeks to a thriving business and more free time. Find out how our business coaching led to dramatic growth.

Nixon Electrics: 170% Growth

How did this electrician ditch overwhelm, and exhaustion grow a 29-person team, and triple his business? Coaching made the difference – find out how.

Strategic Alliances and Training

To be the premier destination for entrepreneurs seeking to grow their businesses, nurturing every journey from startup to success with expertise and passion.

Grow Your Electrical Business with Expert Coaching

Get in touch today for a free discovery session and let us show you how you can build the business and life you always dreamed of

Have a question for our business coaches? Get in touch.

Talk to us about how our trade business coaching can help you earn more, win more clients, and work smarter — all while finding time for what matters most in life.
