Quick and Powerful Business Growth Tips

Quick and Powerful Business Growth Strategies

Running a successful plumbing business requires balancing quality service with finding new clients and managing your workload.

At times, this can feel overwhelming, leading you to question your efficiencies and wishing you had more hours in the day. However, you can enjoy this balance along with a great work-life balance too.

Mitch and Giles from East Bay Plumbing offer some insights and a few simple strategies that have made a major difference in effective operations for Giles and his team.

Invest in the Right Software

“We implemented job management software, so we jumped on with simPRO, and at this point we hired our first tradie… and this is where things really took off”

Job management software is the backbone of a well-organised business.

Benefits of Good Software

  • Streamlines scheduling: See your technicians’ availability and job details quickly and easily.
  • Automates invoicing: Saves you time and reduces errors.
  • Tracks your numbers: Provides data so you can make informed business decisions.

Popular job management software for plumbers includes simPRO, ServiceTitan, and Jobber.

Embrace Lead Generation

“Lead Gen for me… it used to be something that I was so damn petrified about and more and more, I guess the cold outreach type. Outreach in general can be pretty daunting”

Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there! Lead generation might seem intimidating, but these methods can make a difference:

  • Cold calling: Yes, even in this digital age, picking up the phone can still connect you with potential clients. Practice your pitch!
  • Online presence: Make sure your website is professional and that you’re active on local directories and review sites.
  • Content marketing: Share your expertise by creating blog posts or videos about plumbing tips and tricks. This can help attract potential customers who are searching for your services.
  • Social media: Use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to connect with potential customers and share updates about your business.
  • Networking: Attend local events and meet other business owners in your community. You never know who might need a plumber!

Overcome Your Fears

“Probably after a dozen calls, it starts to feel fun, almost. You’re calling someone and you learn how to stick to the conversation, point them in the right direction, and how to be in control.”

Everyone has to start somewhere.

Pushing through discomfort with things like cold calling gets easier with practice. The more you do it, the more confident you become.

Remember, your goal is not to be a slick salesperson, but to genuinely connect with potential customers.

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